Marketing for growth

Marketing is a broad concept, it concerns all activities of an organization to promote the (sale of) products or services. If we look at the simple theory, it is about determining and defining: price, location, promotion and product. The first three do not lead to a lot of discussions, but the last one does. Take health care marketing as an example. Which health care provider lets a marketer influence the actual health care product? Marketing in organizations can be challenging.

To properly organize the marketing in an organization, collaboration is needed. Different components such as communication, sales, HR and above all the management must have the same goal in mind. A clear goal that everyone in your organization actually strives for is the biggest success factor when setting up your organization.

Questions you can ask yourself:

  • What is the authentic value of your organization? Why do your people go to work every day?
  • Have you opted for a positioning that matches your authenticity?
  • Has this positioning been transformed into a powerful visual comprehensible concept?
  • Are your products tailored to that positioning?
  • What is your position really in the market and what do your competitors do?
  • Do you know exactly how satisfied your customer is and what his / her wishes are?
  • Are your products tailored to that customer’s wish?
  • Are you the best in your market?

These types of questions provide a picture of the challenges that marketing can offer your organization.

And the chances? They are bigger than ever. Because marketing is one of the few disciplines that focuses almost entirely on growth!

René van Donschot is a specialist in bringing international brands to the Dutch market. Do you want to talk further about the power of marketing for your organization? Please contact me!