Bringing your brand to the netherlands holland amsterdam rotterdam

Bringing your brand to the Netherlands

Bringing your brand to the Netherlands? How do you successfully bring your brand to Holland (the Netherlands)? How do you resolve the language barrier? What are the cultural differences that you need to take into account in your marketing? If these questions concern you, you can actually only take one correct step: ask for help from a real Dutch marketing specialist.

Because only someone with real knowledge of the market and deep understanding of the language and culture, can correctly translate your brand. So let’s bring in a dutchmen.

Why would you introduce your brand in the Netherlands?

The Netherlands is home to many European headquarters and marketing/sales operations of international companies. The Netherlands is strategically located centrally in Europe and optimally accessible. It is an ideal country to do your first European brand introduction.

Start small and grow quickly

The Netherlands has only 17 million inhabitants. This means that it is an ideal country to start a first pilot with your brand. As soon as your brand proves successful, you can quickly grow in the neighboring countries of Belgium (same language, 11 million inhabitants) and Germany (many cultural similarities and 82 million inhabitants). After that second step, you are already within reach of a market potential of 100 million consumers.

Anyway, the first step is a launch in the Netherlands. Do you want to know more about launching your brand in the Netherlands? Then be sure to contact me!

Interesting articles to read about introducing your brand in the Netherlands:

Your Marketing & Sales Gateway to Europe
Marketing a business in Holland
Netherlands market entry strategy

International brands that were previously supported by René van Donschot:

Bison International
NMi Metrology
SD Worx