Organizations around the world want to become more creative. Creative organizations are more agile and successful. Donschot Strategy & Interim is specialized in building creative organizations. Many articles on this website are in Dutch, but below you will find the articles and blogs that are also published in English.

English pages:


About René van Donschot

Creative organization

Innovative organization


English articles and blogs:

Inspiration session: The creative organization

Organizations must be creative and innovative, change and take risks to move forward. There is creativity in every organization. It often sparkles visibly in a few employees. But a few creative minds rarely create a creative organization. That only works if you stimulate creativity within a much larger group. YouLees meer/read more –>

Posted in Creatieve organisatie, International, Strategie | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Inspiration session: The creative organization

Bringing your brand to the Netherlands

Bringing your brand to the Netherlands? How do you successfully bring your brand to Holland (the Netherlands)? How do you resolve the language barrier? What are the cultural differences that you need to take into account in your marketing? If these questions concern you, you can actually only take oneLees meer/read more –>

Posted in International, Strategie | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Bringing your brand to the Netherlands

Activate creativity in your organization

How do you create a creative culture? Even with the smallest change you want in the culture of your organization, you will have to do a lot of work. Changing one person is extremely difficult, to a change an complete group seems impossible. But creativity is found in every group.Lees meer/read more –>

Posted in International | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Activate creativity in your organization